August 18, 2008

More missionaries, and water

Yesterday we had the pleasure of a visit from my sister-in-law, her husband, and two of their four kids. They came to church with us, attended our Bible study after, and hung out with us. Good folks. It was a sweet time.

It was good to see them. They have been in Ukraine for over a decade (I think; seems like forever), leading a Bible training school over there. Now, however, they have come stateside for the foreseeable future and will be living downstate to be near their son and his new grandson. Of course, this holds out the hope that we will see them more often than the every three years or so that has been the usual (though I don't know; for some reason I haven't seen my parents-in-law for about six months). Since they are stepping out of their full-time ministry, they are spending some time in the next couple of months to visit supporters and thank them for their assistance.

They had some miraculous stuff happen when they got here. One day after arriving my sister-in-law was able to get a driver's license (establishing residency through two letters that were delivered to her parent's house for her husband). Then the next day (or maybe the next) they purchased a car. By the end of the week they had found a house to buy and had had their bid on it accepted! Kind of makes your head spin!

While they were here I had a plumbing project go wrong. I worked on adding a new water filter to our kitchen on Saturday, and Sunday morning we woke up to warm water all over the kitchen floor. It had not only soaked through the floor to the basement in one place, it had also gotten into the ductwork and was dripping through several low points to form a huge puddle on the basement floor. My darling wife keeps old towels around for things like this, so we got to work and cleaned it up. We were mostly done before our guests got up; I'm glad I didn't have to deal with the embarrassment of having them help us sop up the mess. Ah well, someday I will laugh. Let's make it today. Hah!

Seriously, I'm thankful that the water didn't do any permanent damage, nor electrocute someone, nor ruin the kitchen computer (which rests on the floor).

Yesterday, I declared to my wife that she would have to get a plumber to finish the project. However, it occurs to me that this may cost a lot of money for someone to tell me "Yup, this filter is bad, send it back." So, I'll get back to work on it tonight. Or maybe tomorrow.

No numbers this morning, I'm too sore.


  1. how awesome that your family is close by again!
    they sound like really cool peeps!

    One time I put the wrong kind of detergent into our dishwasher--Drew and I were greeted by water and huge suds all over the kitchen floor!

    It was a mess, but it was pretty funny too.

  2. I am glad the flood wasn't as bad as it could have been. Once, when we lived at Todd Lane, something went wrong with our washing machine and it flooded the utility room and out into the family room (about 1/3rd of the family room). It had soaked the carpet so much that when you walked on it, water would squish up around your feet. It took quite a bit of time and effort to get THAT mess cleaned up, I can tell you! It had soaked down into the crawl space, too. After we cleaned everything up, we had fans going in the family room and in the crawl space, to help dry everything. Sometimes I would hear this sound in the background, while I was in some other room in the house, and I would forget at first that there was a fan in the crawl space and it would kind of freak me out until I remembered!

  3. kathka: Yeah, we had the same thing happen once. We woke one morning to a "squishy" hallway carpet. We had just returned for vacation so it was a grace that the hose waited until we got home.

    Moral: unless you've got steel braided washing machine hoses, you're just asking for trouble.

    Jess: I married into a really cool family. Very loving, very faithful. I had no idea at the time how much of a blessing they would be (I was kinda distracted by the prospect of MARRIAGE!). Sometimes uncool families produce cool offspring, but fortunately I got both a cool wife and a cool family.

  4. so it was a win-win situation, then!

  5. Win-win for me, at least. But I think they like me, too. At least they laugh at my jokes.

    It amazes to me sometimes how well I married. It's like Someone guided me with wisdom beyond myself. Could it be - God?

  6. He's good like that!!
