August 26, 2008

The self referential poetical entry

The following sonnet was written in response to Josh's challenge on his blog.

I set my hands to keys to write
Dredge from my heart my inner thought
Turn round my gaze in this dark night
And knead my neck, my muscles taut

Look hard to left, and back to right
There must be something I can say
Some mem'ry cheer, or deep insight
To get the surfers here today

Some inside joke, some pithy word
Some story fun of Pastor Bruce
But nothing comes! It seems absurd
I hear not one thing from my Muse

Make floods of thoughts to now unclog
Dear God, please let them read my blog


  1. fantastic!
    i love sonnets, was acutally going to write one, but got distracted.

    i believe yours is in classic shakespearen format, am i right?

  2. Yes sir. If I am going to butcher a classic and beautiful form of expression, I might as well go for the best.

  3. I love it, Peaj! I wasn't sure how we were supposed to answer Josh's challenge, so I wrote mine on his blog AND on my blog.

  4. very nice, Peaj!

    and way to get Josh to comment here; I'm impressed!

  5. Now I'm happy; I impressed Jess(ed)! Thanks!

  6. All this poetry! Therapy for me at no cost! Good job, Peaj.....
