August 23, 2008

Worship on Sunday

I am helping to lead worship on Sunday, and so I have been thinking and praying about it. I've also been trying to actually worship my great God and Creator, rather than just think about it.

One difficulty with jogging versus walking is that with both, I listen to worship music. With walking I can occasionally sing along. This is right out with jogging. But this doesn't stop the urge to do so!

Yesterday I was listening to these words:
Let all the moons and all the stars, in all the universe
Sing praises to the Living God, who rules them by His word.

Hallelujah! Glory be to our great God!
I imagined myself on a high cliff, in the middle of the night. It was totally night, but it wasn't dark; the sky was blazing with the moon and the planets and the stars. Together, we were praising the mighty God who made us all - moons, planets, stars, cliff, earth, air, me. Together, we were doing the pleasing work of worship. Arms uplifted, I felt connected with all creation in honoring this amazing God of ours, who made such complex beauty, whose very words spun out into both the tiny intricate detail of cells and the vast distances between the fiery, blazing stars. Who reaches out to me and says that He wants to know me, take me into His family and call me son.

He is a very good God.


  1. He is indeed, praise His holy name!! That is awesome, Peaj. And I LOVE that song, too!

  2. I wish I could be there to worship with you tomorrow!!!
