August 21, 2008

A show before a show

Make sure you take a look at the new article that mentions Jess in the section Google: News about Jessica Latshaw over in the right hand column of my blog. This section searches Google News for articles about Jessica and A Chorus Line. The new article is called REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: A show before the show - Daily Pilot. There's a quote from Jess, and a picture of her!


  1. hahaha--it's too bad that I look scared out of my mind in the pic and the only quote from me mentions that people want to replace me!

    I mean, I said some stuff that was a little deeper, a little more interesting than that,

    Really. ;-)

  2. oh--and thanks for the shout-out, Peaj! I appreciate it!!!

  3. Yeah, I wasn't real thrilled with the quote either. I thought that surely you would have said something that showed your enthusiasm for your job, rather than your fear that you would lose it. But, I guess the reporter had an idea of how to end the story and your quote provided a good segue.

    I hadn't noticed that you look scared, I mostly noticed that you look so thin. But on second review I see what you mean. Maybe you're thinking that one of those people in the class are going to steal your job right there.

    I liked the six pack comment, though.
