August 8, 2008

The meaning of numbers

Susan asked what the numbers mean, so I will tell you: They are a summary of my latest workout.

Here is what the numbers mean: 2.5 miles, 35 minutes = average 4.3 mph. This is the end of my third week of three times a week workouts.

My goal to to reach, within no particular time frame, 2.5 miles in 25 minutes. Then I hope to increase that to 3 miles in 30 minutes, all without getting injured. This was inspired by this article. I'm not really following the plan they outline (keeping track of the times they list seems like a real pain), I'm just trying to do what feels right in alternating between walking and jogging.

If I can keep at this, I will reward myself with a nice piece of exercise equipment (pending wifely approval) so that I can continue to exercise inside during the winter. It seems logical that this would be a treadmill of some sort, but if anyone has a great favorite piece of equipment I'm willing to read suggestions.

I'm telling you this because I need prayer from both of you that I would keep this up and that I would get the sleep I need (yes, dear wife, I said it!) so that I can continue to get up in the morning and feel like I want to do something other than nap on the couch.

Oh, and if you ask me on a Sunday how the exercise program (or the sleep thing) is going and I grump at you? Sorry in advance.


  1. I was wondering about the numbers, too, when you posted them the first time. i just forgot to ask. Good to know. I will pray for your work-out efforts, PJ. Please pray the same for me, too?

  2. well I will pray for you too, so that will 2.5 of us, or at least 2.25 of us. I would love to make those stats myself.

  3. well, no danger of asking you on a sunday from me, that's for sure:-)

    PJ--it's awesome that you are starting this routine, first of all.

    And I really like the elliptical machine; it burns a lot calories, you can go forward or reverse so you target difference muscle groups, and it is not as hard on your joints as running is because it is low-impact.

  4. just looked over the article--sounds really smart--it's a good plan, IMHO:-)

  5. and btw, there are obviously more than 2 people who read your blog!!!

  6. ya, obviously more than two, but it's funny how you keep it as a running joke, I think you should try to squeeze that in to every blog if you can.

  7. PJ- I will pray for you if you pray for me. I am not now, nor will I ever claim to be a "running" person, but I started trying to get up everyday to do 30 minutes of Wii fit last week, and I find that if I can do some of the yoga poses and a few aerobic exercises, I feel so much better and have much more energy throughout the day. Of course, I totally stopped the practice on vacation (hard to bring a game system onto a boat), so I need to get back into it again!
    Your "numbers" will encourage me- keep up the good work!
