March 10, 2009


I have about three posts-in-progress, but I've been so busy that none of them have gotten to a stage where I can actually post them.

So, instead, I will submit this thought.

I've been reading the Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. I first read it about 25 years ago (yes, I'm old).  One thought that came to me as I'm reading it is that one of the greatest dangers to the soul is that we are able to function quite nicely without being submitted. Rather than be afraid of a God who is too tyrannical, we should be concerned lest we take his lax and distant rule too much for granted. Because one day our unconditional surrender will be demanded of us, and we will need to be able to give it.  And not just "yes, you are Lord" - but true surrender, acknowledgement of His headship over every aspect of our lives. No sin held onto, no pride allowed to stand, no unforgiveness retained. Give it all up, in a moment.

I guess, in one sense, that is why it is good to work on that submission here and now.

But maybe we will get a second chance, like in the Great Divorce.


  1. Good post, Peaj! I LOVE that book!

  2. I always thought that believing sincerely and figuring out god's will would be the hardest aspect of the relationship, when in fact it's definitely been submitting to it for me. That sounds like a great book.
