October 26, 2008

Tuesday is the Cusp

Tuesday is coming. It's almost here.

On Tuesday, either all of our country's problems will be solved, and we will stand, hand-in-hand, our chins lifted high as we look toward a bright, wonderful future...

... or we will tumble down that long slide of economic and moral decay that has been threatening our country for years, pulling us down from our rightful place of prosperity and righteousness that was so presciently foreseen by our Founding Fathers.

We will either as a nation grasp our destiny and ride it to the heights of intrinsic spirituality and financial stability, with cake for everyone; or we will be overwhelmed by the forces within and without that seek to destroy anything that ever was good and noble about America.

Either all will be great, or all will be awful. There is no in between. But whatever happens, rest assured that nothing - especially nothing about they way we are governed - will ever be the same.

All to be determined on a single day. Mark your calendar.


  1. Thankfully, our lives and future hinge on something, rather SOMEONE, with a great deal more power, authority, and ability than either candidate up for election! I'll trust myself to Him.

  2. There's an election Tuesday? huh. ;-)

  3. Can't figure out if you are being glib or not. Huh. You are a tricky one, Peaj;-)

  4. He is a sly one, that Peaj! Peaj, btw, what does it mean that you tagged me in a note on FB? Pardon my ignorance, but I have never been "tagged" before (note or photo).

  5. Now who is being tricky, Robin-girl?

    The "cake for everyone" should be a clue. I have yet to hear of either candidate's stance on Cake Reform.

    But really, I just tried to write out some of the doom and gloom rhetoric that I've heard both sides predict will occur should their candidate not get elected.

  6. well, I think cake reform is a great idea!!!!

  7. Only if cake reform doesn't have anything to do with limiting the amount of frosting that should be on a cake...because cake really is just the vehicle for the frosting!

  8. No, Cake Reform attacks the problem: "Why don't we have more cake?"

    However, I must disagree with your assertion. It is true that many people do believe that frosting is the more delicious component of cake, but that doesn't mean that the frosting is more worthy of praise. The True Cake is delicious in its cakiness as well as in its frosting. Cake and frosting must work together, each celebrating their differences and their strengths, in order to achieve True Cakedom.

    As you can tell, I hold to the Whole Cake doctrine.

  9. Well, I guess I can concede that point. I can appreciate the whole cake doctrine, I just happen to be very fond of the frosting...so I'll take the corner piece, please!

  10. This thing is absolutely dripping with sarcasm.. i love it!

  11. I'm helping one of my boys study U.S. government. Today we were going over the president's powers according to the Constitution...and he was appalled at the president's lack of powers. He thinks we need a dictatorship. That's why 11-year-olds can't vote!
